If you have SWP or SW, you can used to create the presentation. This illustrates many of the available features. Transitions are also defined with fragments. You create each slide in the presentation inside frame environments, which are defined with fragments provided as part of the support. You define global formatting with commands in the preamble.
A single SWP or SW file contains an entire Beamer presentation.
Beamer presentations can contain text, mathematics, graphics, and animations. The class provides global and local control of layout, color, and fonts a variety of list and list display mechanisms and many dynamic transitions between slides. Technical Support SWP & SW Version 5/5.5 Scientific Notebook TeXnology Document 716 The LaTeX Beamer document class Version: 5.x - Scientific WorkPlace & Scientific Word The LaTeX Beamer document class produces presentations, handouts, and transparency slides as typeset PDF files.